Our bodies and emotions

We feel emotions and feelings. It's important to talk about them and to understand other people have these emotions too.  

Can you remenber all of them?Let's play an easy guessing game with this video👇: 

How do we change as we get older?. We all change and grow older. We are children, then adolescents, then adults and then elderly.

When we are children we grow the most. We learn to walk and talk and we get our first teeth. We also depend on our parents. 

When we are adolescents our bodies change a lot: we get taller, stronger, heavier and grow more hair on our bodies. Girls grow more curves and boys grow bigger muscles and their voices become deeper. 

When we are adults we stop growing and our bodies are ready to have children. Also, we understand better other people's emotions and how to respond. 

Finally, when we are elderly we have more wrinkles on our faces and bodies. Our hair is often grey. Also, we have more health problems. 

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