Properties of Materials

Materials have different properties. They can be hard or soft, transparent or opaque, rigid or flexible. Glass is transparent. Cotton is soft. Wood is rigid. 

Also, there are waterproof materials are water-resistant. They don't let any water through. Ibjects made from rubber or plastic are waterproof because they don't let water through. 

👂Listen and sing this song:

👀Look at each material: paper, metal, glass, fabric, plastic, wood. 

Now, watch this video and answer some questions: Is it flexible?, is it transparent?, does it absorb water?, does it float in water?, is it strong?etc. 

💻Then, play these games to practise everything: 

Finally, let's do this easy worksheet. In a classroom or at home, there are materials made of glass, paper, wood, metal and fabric. What do they feel like?. 
✔ Tick the correct words which describe each material. 

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