Plant Nutrition (PHOTOSYNTHESIS)

Plants make food  through a process called photosynthesis. This is essential for all living things.

Let's watch a video about this process 👇: 



Plant Reproduction

 All plant do the life process of reproduction. Flowering plants reproduce by making seeds inside the  flowers

Some plants have flowers. Their reproductive organs are inside the flower. All flowers have the same parts. 🌼👇

So, insects play an important part in POLLINATION.

Types of Plants (Classified by their stem and by their leaves)

Plants can be classified by their stem into three types: trees, bushes and grasses. 👇

👆A pine tree is a tree: It has a big woody stem 
called trunk. Trees grow slowly. 
They are the tallest plants and live the longest.

👆Lavender is a bush It has a woody stem 
but not a trunk. 
The branches on a bush grow near the ground. 
Bushes are shorter than trees. 

👆 Wheat is a grass: It has a flexible, green stem.
 It is short. 
Grasses grow quickly. 

Also, plants can be classified by their leaves into two groups: evergreen and deciduous. 👇

How to prepare your ORAL PRESENTATION (Endangered species)

 Hi kids!. If you finished your REPORT WORKSHEET about your endangered animal, you can start with the oral presentations. Here you have a guide to know what to say!. 👇